Don’t let your ERP project fail.jpg

Don’t let your ERP project fail

PostedOn: 2018-08-06 11:47:10

Implementing ERP software into your business allows you to manage and integrate data from your core business processes into one coordination. Benefits include increased productivity, improved efficiency, and more flexibility.

However, these benefits can only be realized if your system is properly implemented in the first place, and the project is given the care and consideration it deserves. We’ve put together this guide to ensure that your ERP project is a success from the outset.

Steps to take before embarking on your ERP project

Proper planning is vital for any large-scale project, and implementing ERP software is likely to be one of the biggest in-house projects you will undertake as a business. You need to get the right people involved and understand exactly what processes need to be superior so that you can select the right system and the right vendor.

1. Assemble your team

Before making any key decisions regarding your ERP project, you must ensure that you boast the right people on board.

  • You need to have executive buy-in, so ensure someone at senior level is involved from the very beginning.
  • Selecting a good project leader is extremely important as they will act as a title holder for the new system, keep the project moving and help to ensure that deadlines are met.
  • It’s also important to occupy the people who are going to be using the ERP system the most and have an understanding of how each part of the business works, so these are your business process owners.
  • Other members of the team should include key employees that will provide you with the help you need, whilst acting as advocates of the system.

2. Identify & document business processes that need improvement

The whole purpose of using ERP software in your business is to make key processes more efficient. Therefore it’s important to take the time to look at each business process and speak to the different staff members that handle them to see what works, what doesn’t work, and how things can be improved. Make sure you document this.

3. Identify existing costs

You should look at what your existing systems are costing the business in areas such as security, support, downtime, upgrades, security, insurance and inefficiencies. This will give you a better understanding of what your current system is costing you and help you to identify a budget for your ERP project. Also, these cold stiff facts and figures may help you to convince less willing members of management.

4. Choose the right vendor

Deciding on the right ERP vendor for your business is hugely important. This is why you should do your research and invite multiple vendors to interview.

5. Choose the right implementation partner

Unless you have a skilled IT team in-house, then you will need to use an implementation partner. They can help to make the process much less unruly and will have the know-how to help make it go as smoothly as possible. 

Making your implementation a success

It doesn’t stop there. Once you’ve got your ERP software implemented you need to make sure it is a success, and one of the biggest hurdles is achieving employee buy-in. Making sure your employees are on the floorboard and using the system correctly is vital since it’s only through their input that it can be a success.

  • Provide excellent training
  • Ensure senior staff members are using the system
  • Regularly review the system