How To Comparing ERP Deployment For Cloud.jpg

How To Comparing ERP Deployment For Cloud

PostedOn: 2018-08-31 11:52:32

When it comes time to choosing an Enterprise Resource Planning solution, one of the most central questions to ask yourself is: How will I deploy it? Do I want an on-premise system or a cloud-based ERP? To fully understand the differences between these two exploitation models, let's take a step back and note some key differences.

Cloud ERP

Cloud ERP also described as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, is provided as a service that does not have to be managed or serviced by your company’s IT staff. With this type of software deployment, a company’s ERP software and its associated data /, in turn, are managed centrally by the software vendor and are accessed by users and customers via a web browser.

The cloud ERP provider hosts and maintains all of the IT infrastructures for you ensure the system is always running, that the data involved is secure and safe, and that product enhancement or upgrades are rolled out painlessly to your solution. Ultimately, this all allows your IT resources to focus on innovating and helping grow the business more effectively.

Cloud computing architecture is designed from the ground up for maximum network concert, meaning cloud ERP tools can deliver better performance and better application availability than traditional on-premise ERP systems. And finally, since cloud ERP offers no other hardware, the deployment time is way less than on-premise systems. Your business doesn’t have to waste time procuring and installing IT infrastructure, instead, you can easily roll it out across multiple divisions.

Some of the top benefits of cloud-based ERP solutions include:

  • real-time analytics
  • more informed (therefore better) decision making
  • flexibility
  • scalability
  • low operating costs
  • service support