Best CRM Features for the Hospitality Industry.jpg

Best CRM Features for the Hospitality Industry

PostedOn: 2018-03-07 11:06:51

In the hospitality industry, customer satisfaction is top priority. Companies rely on feedback to determine the success of a invention or service and to indicate areas that need improvement. Customer relationship management  software helps hospitality businesses with tasks, services, and business processes related to customer relations, increasing customer satisfaction, and their likelihood of success. 

There’s more to the hospitality industry than pricing, quality, and accessibility, however. These elements may be the core customer services, but many other factors exist, as well. CRM features and tools customized to the hospitality industry include: 

  • Data collection
  • Maintenance tracking 
  • Interactive platforms
  • Mobile access 
  • Travel agency partnerships. 

An essential tool in the hospitality industry, CRM helps companies meet and exceed customer expectations by enabling them to create and build real relationships with their clientele as well as provide what their customers want and need. 

Data Acquisition and Collection  

By using CRM software for data acquisition and collection, companies can learn more about their customers, and then use that information to build better relationships. Examples of data companies can use their CRM software to collect include: 

  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Names and information about family members
  • Occupation
  • Interests
  • Prior travel and vacations
  • Preferences for restaurants, spas, etc.
  • Special room accommodations
  • Meal and drink preferences and restrictions. 

Using the data serene, staff can increase the level of customer satisfaction by creating a more personalized guest experience. 

Maintenance Tracking 

If a customer isn’t happy with his or her service, amenity, or product, that patron is less likely to post a good review or return. Hospitality-specific CRM solutions enable companies to monitor, track and maintain all aspects of facility maintenance. Tasks can be listed by priority or due date, and staff can rearrange tasks as needed. In addition, the CRM app helps supervision and staff stay in touch, even when communicating with different locations. 

Interactive Customer Platform  

Hospitality-specific CRM software enables customers to interact with locations days, even months before their planned arrival date. With an interactive customer platform, companies can offer pre-check-in questionnaires, mobile check-in, confirmation emails, and more. These interactive platforms also give guests the option to make any changes to their reservations, such as amenity requests, upgrades, or special requirements for dietary or physical needs. 

Mobile Access 

In the hospitality industry, both staff and guests have access to and use mobile devices regularly. Doesn’t it make sense to take advantage of this desire for mobility? Integrating mobile access apps with your CRM software helps make communications between staff and guests more proficient and immediate. Requests can be sent by text, voice, or even video messaging. By adding the option of mobile access, staff can address guest needs and issues quickly and on the go, freeing them from the front desk. 

Online Travel Agency Collaboration 

Using online travel agencies (OTAs), guests can now easily book their own rooms and save money doing it. OTAs have the ability to measure up to prices, check availability, and take advantage of loyalty programs. Through their CRM software and online applications, businesses in the hospitality industry can collaborate with OTAs, integrating with local agencies and online partners and opening their location to a new market of potential customers. 

By using the best CRM tools for the hospitality industry, businesses increase the likelihood of true customer satisfaction and customer loyalty two indicators of success in the hospitality industry.